About Us
We Work Hard To Provide You The Best Quality Bagged Renders
Southern Render Supplies was started by Nick and being a renderer himself he found that he was ordering more and more bagged renders that he needed a unit. From supplying their own render company with render and then selling their left overs to then ordering extra to help other local renderers and from there Southern Render Supplies was born.
Our Company
Being renderers ourselves we know what a render supply company needs to do and what our customers will expect and we will be working hard to make sure that we exceed your expectations.
Southern Render Supplies are a new company but have been in teh industry for over 25 years. They have built a rapport with render manufacturers like K-rend, Parex, Fassa and weber and there will be many more to add to the list soon.
Southern Render supplies does not just sell render, we also sell beads, tapes, mesh and everything in between. So when you order some bagged render from us you can order everything else you need for that job as well.
Our Team
Nick Clark
Sales Manager